Basic Services

Children's Dentistry

Along with adult dentistry, we provide full dental services to children. We recommend that our patients bring their children in for an initial no-cost dental evaluation at age 6-12 months to begin a lifetime of good preventative care. 

Exam and Prophylaxis (Cleaning)

We recommend cleaning and professional evaluation every six months for most patients. In addition to a cleaning that will remove tartar and plaque and polish the teeth, a dental exam will look for decay, exam the state of current restorations, look for signs of periodontal disease and screen for oral cancer. Depending on when you last had them, partial or full mouth X-rays may be part of the diagnostic process.


This is a focused beam of X-Ray particles through bone which produces an image on special film, showing the structure through which it passed. This gives the familiar black and white images that doctors and dentists use to diagnose problems. X-rays are a necessary part of the diagnostic process, and not to use them could lead to undiagnosed disease. Without an X-ray of the whole tooth, and supporting bone and gum tissues, there is no real way to detect infection or pathology that requires attention.  In our office we use digital radiography which allows us to take X-rays using 50-70% less radiation versus conventional X-rays. Coupled with computer monitoring, digital x-ray technology allows us to enhance the images for better diagnosis of any dental concerns.


Fillings are done to remove decay, and replace the affected tooth structure. It is called a filling because new material fills a hole that decay left. These days,  most teeth are treated with bonded tooth colored composite resin fillings. CariVu is an additional digital tool our office uses to improve our ability to detect decay in its earliest stages, when treatment is easy, painless and less expensive.  If not treated, advancing decay can lead to tooth pain and/or infection, and the tooth could need easily need root canal treatment or extraction.


Occasionally teeth cannot be saved and need to be removed due to disease, decay or trauma. In most cases, options are available that will allow the tooth to be replaced if desired. 


A sealant is used to fill in narrow grooves in a tooth that cannot be adequately cleaned by brushing. In some cases, the tooth structure has fine grooves or pits which accumulate plaque, not because the person doesn't brush, but because they're too narrow to allow even one bristle into them. These will develop cavities over time, and you don't want that. So the dentist will brush on a coating that seals the grooves and pits, making it possible to brush off all the plaque and keep your teeth healthy.

Non-Surgical Gum Treatments

The gums, ligaments, and bone around the teeth form the foundation for one's teeth. All structures are also referred to as the periodontium. When the periodontium is not healthy, it jeopardizes the teeth just as a bad foundation would threaten the stability of a house. Signs of unhealthy periodontium (gum disease) may be as follows: gums that are red and bleed easily, persistent bad breath, gums that are pulled away from the tooth, loose teeth, and changes in the position or bite of the teeth. Any of these signs may mean something is wrong. With the proper care, however, it may be possible to return your mouth to a healthy state. This is where appropriate gum treatments come in. If you're having a problem, come in and see us so we can take care of it right away. The treatment usually involves a deep cleaning or root planing done under a local anesthetic, along with local antibiotic agents. If the gum disease gets too severe it may need to be treated through surgery or extraction. This is why it is important to get it treated at the first sign of a problem.

Our Location

Hours of Operation


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


11:00 am - 7:00 pm




9:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 3:30 pm





9:00 am - 6:00 pm
11:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
7:00 am - 3:30 pm